Stories for August 2019

Stories for August 2019


Wednesday, August 28

Tuesday, August 27

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Opinion: Commentary: Preventing Suicide

Being there to take the call.


My Last Welcome Letter For Connection Newcomers


Monday, August 26

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Children Shop with the Sheriff

Pride and positive interaction with law enforcement as students get needed gear.


Wednesday, August 21

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Marshall High Band to Represent Virginia

The band will participate in the Pearl Harbor Day Memorial Parade in Hawaii this December.


Protect Dogs from Toxic Algae


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Suicide and Trauma Sound Alarm for First Responders

Fairfax County Chief of Police takes action to relieve stress and encourage officers to ask for help when needed.


League of Women Voters to Hold Candidate Forums in Fairfax County

Board of Supervisors, School Board candidates to participate in forums.


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Back-to-School Anxiety

Easing in to the new year


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Site Being Cleared for Vienna Market

Bulldozers and bucket loaders clear the land at Maple Avenue and Pleasant Street for housing and retail.

Site Being Cleared for Vienna Market

Tuesday, August 20

Share Tips About Community


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Three-Wheeled Bikes Becoming Popular

Bikes@Vienna sees the uptick this summer.


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Vienna Enjoys Chillin’ on Church


Back to School in Vienna


Thursday, August 15

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Home Organization for a New School Year

Accessories and design elements to create a smooth start.


Wednesday, August 14

Opinion: Editorial: Support Local News

What do you love about where you live?


Tuesday, August 13

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Getting Around in Vienna: Under the Microscope

Officials are seeking public input and evaluating before making a move.


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Arts on Display in Vienna

Vienna Arts Society presents ‘The Open Door’ and ‘The Healing Wall’ exhibits.


Friday, August 9

Wednesday, August 7

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Youth-powered Community

In Fairfax County’s 71st 4-H Fair and Carnival, community’s young people shine.


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Summer’s Bounty: So Healthy and Tasty

Don’t miss the height of summer season for fruits and vegetables.


Tuesday, August 6

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‘American Idol’ Success Performs Live at Tysons

Audience donates more than 800 backpacks for District school kids in foster care.


Friday, August 2

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Policing the River in Marine Patrol 1

Police boat plays many roles on local tidal waters.
