Beyer on Biden; Supports Harris

Beyer on Biden; Supports Harris

Congressman Don Beyer issued the following statement Sunday, July 21:

President Joe Biden is a great American. Today he made a hard decision few others could have made, showed his character, and put his country first. I am proud of my support for Joe Biden, and proud of his patriotism.

Joe Biden took office amid the deadliest pandemic in a century, the worst economic decline since the Great Depression, and one of the worst attacks on our democracy in American history. He guided our nation back to normalcy and health, presided over the strongest and fastest economic recovery in history, and achieved bipartisan legislative victories many dismissed as 'impossible' in our divided society. 

President Biden’s historic record of job creation and low unemployment, the revitalization of our manufacturing sector, the passage of the American Rescue Plan, the Inflation Reduction Act, the Chips and Science Act, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, the Respect For Marriage Act, and so many other accomplishments will create an incredible and enduring legacy upon which the eyes of history will look with favor. During President Biden’s remaining months in office I will continue to do all I can to help build on his extraordinary record of achievements for the country.

The past few weeks have been very difficult, but I am proud to be a member of a party that tolerates dissent. We are not a cult of personality where any disagreement results in threats or purges. Democrats are not afraid to allow hard conversations and tough choices, and we are stronger for it. 

“In that spirit, I look forward to a fair and open nomination process to choose the next Democratic nominee. As that process unfolds, I will support Vice President Kamala Harris, who already brings strength, compassion, and vision to the office and the ticket. Vice President Harris’ leadership and experience make her uniquely qualified to serve as President, and I am proud to endorse her to be President Biden’s successor. I look forward to doing all I can in the months ahead to defeat Donald Trump and elect Kamala Harris as President of the United States.