Vienna/Oakton Education

Vienna/Oakton Education


FCPS Students Win Eight Top Prizes in Regional History Day Competition

Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) students won eight first place awards at the regional competition for National History Day held last weekend at Mount Vernon High School. The two best entries in each category and in each age division have qualified to compete in the Virginia History Day contest on Saturday, April 18, at Virginia State University in Petersburg.

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Vienna Teen Elected to School Board

Madison HS student focuses on students’ mental health and workload.

Ben Press, a junior at James Madison High School in Vienna, was elected as student representative to the Fairfax County School Board on Feb. 12. He will take over from Harris LaTeef from Langley High School on July 1.

Marshall High Wins Culinary Challenge

Edison and Chantilly culinary academies take part in contest.

The tables have been set and the contestants wait eagerly as the judging begins, each judge moving carefully between courses, sampling and chewing and making notes. There’s sweetness in the mix for the winner, a monetary prize and a chance to have their dish installed as a permanent fixture.

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Honored for Optimism

The Optimist Club of Greater Vienna recently hosted a communication contest for deaf and hard of hearing children with three neighboring clubs on Feb. 4 at P.J. Skidoos restaurant in Fairfax. Four hearing impaired students from Canterbury Woods Elementary school made a presentation on "How My Optimism Will Help Me Press on to Greater Achievements in the Future" utilizing the Optimist International contest guidelines.

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Schools to Expand by $856 Million

Capital Improvement Plan approved, rising enrollment causes concerns about classroom space.

Five more school buildings and renovations for several existing ones may be approved by 2020. The Fairfax County School Board approved the $856 million Capital Improvement Program (CIP) at the Jan. 22 meeting to set priority on the projects the school system wants done in the next five years.

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Oakton High Drama Explores Propaganda

Oakton students to perform in “Signature in the Schools 20th Anniversary Festival.”

"We are so proud to be part of the ‘Signature in the Schools 20th Anniversary Festival,’” said Vanessa L. Gelinas, Oakton High School Theater Arts teacher. "It is a tremendous opportunity for the students to perform and learn."

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Students Think Twice About Spending

Eighth graders learn the cost of financial responsibility.

That Christmas check from grandma will probably be spent on the latest video game or that trendy pair of boots a typical teenager has been saving to buy. But for eighth graders in Fairfax County, they might think twice before splurging on that one luxury item.

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Dream Team Vienna Wins State Trophy

At the recent First Lego League VA/DC Robotics ChampionshipTournament, a team of sixth graders, named Dream Team Vienna, won the FLL Championship Research Project Award.

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Food, Supplies for Children in Need in Vienna

Madison High language honor societies help those who go hungry.

Members of the Spanish and French Honor Societies at James Madison High School collected non-perishable foods to distribute to 20 children at Marshall Road Elementary School.

Cappies Review: Fictional Town, Real for Viewers

Madison High’s production of “Our Town.”

Plays can transport one to new places, perhaps a magical land, a pivotal point in history, or perhaps the small town of Grover's Corners. While it might sound stale, “Our Town,” produced by James Madison High School, is a phenomenal play that always pulled me into the lives of these small town people.

Area Students to be Featured in Sleepless in America

Students from Langley High School and Oakton High School, Superintendent Karen K. Garza, and Fairfax County School Board member Sandy Evans will be featured in Sleepless in America, a television show on sleep deprivation produced by the National Geographic Channel, premiering Sunday, Nov. 30, at 8 p.m.

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‘It’s Hands-On History’

Oakton High student participates in archaeological dig.

Oakton High junior Corina Gribble got to be part of history recently when she participated in an archaeological dig to find the remains of a home from the 1800s in Ellanor C. Lawrence Park in Centreville.

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Warhawk Band Wins Cougar Gold

29th Annual Oakton Invitational Marching Band Competition

What do you get when 17 high school marching bands from Northern Virginia compete at the 29th Annual Oakton Invitational? A lot of fun, music and good vibes.

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Vienna Students Head Back to School

Fairfax County Public Schools students started the 2014-2015 school year on Sept. 2.

New Principal At St. Mark

Darcie Girmus appointed principal of St. Mark Catholic School.

St. Mark Catholic School has announced the appointment of Darcie Girmus as principal for the 2014-2015 Academic Year. Girmus, one of the original founding faculty members of St. Mark Catholic School, has served the School community since its opening in August 2003.