Hardening older FCPS Entrances to Secure Them from Shooters
Multilayered approaches to keep children safe in schools
School shootings
Perseverance & Hope for Oakton, Madison Graduates
A trying school year ends with familiar brightness on the horizon
As the school year wanes and a long-awaited summer approaches, the graduating seniors of Oakton and James Madison prepare for much more.
Pomp & Odd Circumstance
Area high schools innovate to plan pandemic-time graduations.
The COVID-19 pandemic might have kept area students out of school for a time, but it hasn’t stopped high schoolers from graduating and leaving for good.
Madison High Students Win 28 Awards at State Convention
Each November, the Virginia Junior Classical League (VJCL) sponsors a state convention at the Richmond Convention Center.
Teachers Get Ready for a ‘Welcome Challenge’
Adapting their curriculum to a remote setting this fall, with the first day of school fast approaching
Diane Hausman, a fourth grade teacher at Colvin Run Elementary School, is entering her ninth year of teaching; but in many ways, she said, it feels like her first.
Oakton Cougars Support Front Line Responders
Oakton High Robotics Team joins forces with Nova Labs in producing Personal Protection Equipment.
Forty Units Strong in Vienna
Cunningham Park Elementary Love Parade is a mobile greeting card of support.
Designing, Building and Flying Rockets
Oakton High team to compete in the NASA Student Launch Initiative.
Northern Virginia Regional MATHCOUNTS Winners Announced
State Competition to be held in Richmond on Saturday, March 14, 2020.
Cracking Down on Predatory Student Lenders
Northern Virginia lawmakers hope to regulate student-loan servicing companies.
Sen. Janet Howell (D-32) and Del. Marcus Simon (D-53) have introduced a bill they call the Borrowers Bill of Rights, which would use the power of the State Corporation Commission to crack down on what they call the egregious practices of student loan servicing companies.