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In-Person Learning Delayed for Some Fairfax County Public Schools Students

Superintendent and staff update school board on return-to-school plans

A surge in COVID-19 cases in Fairfax County forced Fairfax County Public Schools to delay its planned return of in-person instruction for an additional 6,800 students on Monday, Nov. 16.

People, Parks, and Pandemics

It happened from the very beginning, as shopping centers, gyms and restaurants closed in the last half of March and news spread about the pandemic: people started gathering in parks.

School Building Closed? Try a Park

Families across Northern Virginia are challenged with online education.

Vienna Police Highlights: Nov. 6 – Nov. 12, 2020

The following summary contains various incidents of general interest as well as vehicular crashes handled by the Town of Vienna Police Department from Nov. 6 – Nov. 12, 2020.

Opinion: Column: As Second Opinions Go... was first rate.

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Possible Funding Threat for Fairfax County Public Schools

COVID cases increase, yet leadership hangs their star on families returning and increased enrollment.

Fall membership as of Sept. 30, 2020 at Fairfax County Public Schools declined by 8,859 students, dipping to 180,151 compared to data recorded last year at the same time, according to Assistant Superintendent of Facilities and Transportation Services Jeff Platenberg.

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Thanksgiving Decor in the Era of Covid-19

Creating dining elegance at a distance

Naomi Patterson’s Thanksgiving table is usually set with linen dinner napkins, cleaned and starched, and her wedding china, ecru with a platinum border.

Fairfax County Police Chief Resigns

Praised by many, Roessler also faced criticism and calls for resignation

Police Chief Edwin C. Roessler Jr. announced his resignation last week, effective February 2021.

Opinion: Letter to the Editor: Why Is Dino Drudi Always the One?

Why am I always the one ending up critiquing Michael Pope's articles.

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Opinion: Letter to the Editor: Kindness During a Very Difficult Year

The lines to vote early at the Springfield-Franconia Government Center were a 3-4 hour wait every day for two weeks.

Opinion: Letter to the Editor: A Generation Capable of Change

What kind of world do you want to live in, a world where you have no problems or issues to fix in your community?

Opinion: Column: Better Late Than Never... get a second opinion about one's first cancer; especially if there's now a second cancer to consider.

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Assistance League of Northern Virginia Helps Meet Needs for Local Families

Assistance League of Northern Virginia distributed another 400 $20 grocery gift cards in October to families at the six schools that normally would have received the Weekend Food for Kids food bags.

Decompressing after a Divisive Election

Limit time on social media or watching post-election coverage

The moments that stretched her to her professional limits came immediately after the 2016 presidential election.

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The Pandemic Election

Virginia voters support Biden, Warner and a new redistricting commission.

Twenty years ago, Virginia was a red state. Republicans scored Virginia's electoral votes in every presidential election since LBJ was reelected in 1964. Republicans held both U.S. Senate seats. The Grand Old Party had all the statewide offices, a majority of the congressional delegation and both chambers of the General Assembly. That was the environment when Mark Warner and Tim Kaine, both Democrats, ran for governor and lieutenant governor.